Amir Gholami is a research scientist in BAIR and Sky lab at UC
Berkeley and co-director of the Pallas lab.
He received his PhD from UT Austin, working on large
scale machine learning, a research topic which received UT
Austin’s best doctoral dissertation award in 2018. He is a
Melosh Medal finalist, the recipient of Amazon Machine Learning
Research Award in 2020, best student paper award in SC'17, Gold
Medal in the ACM Student Research Competition, and best student
paper finalist in SC’14. He was also part of the Nvidia team
that for the first time made low precision neural network
training possible (FP16), enabling more than 10x increase in
compute power through tensor cores. Amir's current research
focuses on large scale machine learning and AI Systems.
Contact Email: "amirgh _at_ berkeley . edu".
Open Positions:
There is an internship opportunity for research in the area of
Efficient AI Agents (the position requires the student to
be enrolled in UC Berkeley). Please email me your CV and include your transcript if you are
interested with the subject of "Efficient AI Agents".
Recent News
[05/02/24]: Two papers accepted in ICML'24:
[09/14/22]: Two papers accepted in NeurIPS'22:
SqueezeFormer, and
Post-Training Pruning.
[12/19/21]: Will be teaching
AI Systems course next semester
along with Prof. Gonzalez.
[10/22/21]: Excited to give a seminar in Babuska Forum
at UT Austin
Rethinking Physics Informed Neural Networks (Slides).
[10/21/21]: Will give a talk at
Microsoft Research Summit
on Efficient Machine Learning
[10/14/21]: I will host the first episode of
The Tale of a Success
with Ali Ghodsi
[Watch Here].
[09/28/21]: Our paper on
Characterizing Physics Informed Neural Networks
is accepted to NeurIPS'21.
[05/08/21]: Two papers accepted in ICML'21:
I-BERT (20 min long talk), and
HAWQ-V3 (short talk).
[04/14/21]: I will give a talk at GTC'21,
Systematic Methods for Neural Network Quantization.
[03/29/21]: Published a brief blog on
AI and Memory Wall.
[02/17/21]: I will give an invited lecture in UC
Berkeley's EE290 course on
Quantization Methods for Efficient Neural Networks
[01/15/21]: I am excited to share our work and give the
opening Keynote talk at Intel System Architecture Summit
[11/15/20]: Will be serving as Area Chair for
ICML'21. I will try my best to make
Reviewer #2 to be fair!
[09/25/20]: Two papers accepted in NeurIPS'20:
Boundary Thickness and Robustness.
[06/01/20]: Our paper on
Rethinking Batch Normalization
has been accepted in ICML 2020.
[04/21/20]: I will serve as
Supercomputing conference
chair in Machine Learning track in 2021.
[02/25/20]: I will give the
opening Keynote talk for NSF Workshop on Smart
[02/10/20]: I will give an invited lecture in UC
Berkeley's EE 290 course on
Efficient Neural Network Training and Inference.
[02/06/20]: I will give an invited lecture in
Stanford's CS 217 course on
Precision and Quantized Training for Deep Learning.
[11/11/19]: Two papers accepted in AAAI'20:
Q-BERT, and
Inefficiency of K-FAC for large batch size training.
[09/30/19]: Two papers accepted in NeurIPS'19:
the main conference, and our work on Trace Weighted
Quantization as spotlight in
beyond first order methods workshop.
[09/29/19]: I will be presenting our work on
second-order quantization (HAWQ
and Q-BERT) in
BLISS seminar
on October 2nd.
[08/15/19]: Very excited to participate in
AI4ALL, an annual
teaching program for high school students from
underrepresented communities to promote
diversity and inclusion in AI.
[05/07/19]: Congratulations to Linjian Ma (now PhD
student at UIUC), Jiayu Ye (now at Google), and Gabe Montague
(co-founder of Bike and Pedal) on successfully defending their
Masters project.
[03/21/19]: Will be giving a talk at
BSTARS'19. Many thanks to the Berkeley Statistics department for the
[03/01/19]: Our
Trust Region
paper has been accepted to CVPR'19!
[02/28/19]: Will be giving a talk in Fifth Annual
Industry Day at Simons Institute
[11/06/18]: Three papers accepted in NeurIPS'18 (one
main conference and two workshops)
[11/01/18]: I will be giving a talk in Stanford CME-510
lecture series
[03/30/18]: Just learned that my PhD thesis has won UT
2018 Outstanding Disseration Award. Thanks George for your great mentorship
[03/28/18]: We have released
SqueezeNext, the smallest neural network designed so far (112x smaller than AlexNet)
[03/05/18]: Bichen's paper is selected for spotlight in
[02/26/18]: Selected as a finalist for
Robert J. Melosh Medal. Very excited to visit Duke
[02/08/18]: Will be giving a lecture in
on GPUs
[Watch Here]
Our paper
won the Best Student Paper award at SC'17!
[05/08/17]: Invited to will give a talk at
Stanford ICME Rising Stars.